Large Ciliate

Ciliate- a protozoa that is a facultative anaerobe, meaning that it can survive in limited oxygen conditions that aerobic organisms can't

Bacteria Feeding Nematode- This nematode feeds on bacteria in the soil(typically around plant roots) converting bacterial biomass into readily available nutrients for the roots.

Fungi- This large piece of fungi was found growing under a rotting stump of a tree that fell over in Washington state. There are different categories of fungi, but this one is likely to be a saprophyte, meaning that it breaks down wood. Fungi can be identified by looking at the thin black line that breaks it up into segments.

Here is another example of a Fungi

notice the evenly spaced segments. A consistant diameter is also a key identifying factor for fungi, though there as some exceptions such as a clamp connection where 2 pieces connect together and when pieces of fungi were damaged in the collection process.

Oomycete- also known as water molds, are a large group of eukaryotic organisms. Terrestrial oomycetes are typically parasites to vascular plants, causing root rot in a wide range of species.