
Important Organisms

Beneficial Soil Organisms that I search for in Soil Food Web Evaluations

I am certified to conduct Soil Biology Evaluations by the Soil Food Web School founded by Dr. Elaine Ingham, the microbiologist credited with discovering the Soil Food Web


Consume sugars from plant roots, secrete bacterial glues to create soil aggregates


Some develop relationships with plant roots to supply the plant with extra nutrients, others break down complex chemicals like lignin, cellulose and environmental toxins

Protozoa (Flagellate)

Predators to bacteria that keep populations in check and contribute nutrients to soil around plants roots

Protozoa (Amoeba)

Predators to bacteria that keep populations in check and contribute nutrients to soil around plants roots


Consume other nematodes(specifically root feeding nematodes) keeping their populations in check

Nematode(Bacteria Feeding)

Consume bacteria, keeping populations in check and depositing nutrients to soil around plant roots

Nematode(Fungal Feeding)

Consume potentially pathogenic fungi, converting them to easily absorbable nutrients

A Soil Biology Test measures the active biology in the soil, looking for beneficial and detrimental soil organisms. These tests show you who is in your soil or compost and this gives you an idea of what conditions are predominant in the soil. If your soil conditions do not meet the needs of the beneficial organisms that you need, then something will have to change in order to better grow your target crop.

If you are interested in having your soil or compost tested, click the tab in the upper right of this page to email ClayEarth about conducting a test for you.